Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
zrtp_callback_cache_tData types and functions related to shared secrets
zrtp_callback_event_tCallbacks definitions
zrtp_callback_misc_tMiscellaneous Functions
zrtp_callback_scheduler_tDelay Calls callbacks
zrtp_callback_tZRTP feedback interface and application dependent routine
zrtp_config_tZRTP global configuration options
zrtp_profile_tZRTP session profile

ZRTP Sessions are configured with a profile scheme. Each profile is defined by a structure of the given type. zrtp_profile_t contains a set of preferences for crypto components and other protocol parameters

zrtp_retry_task_tDelay Call wrapper
zrtp_session_info_tZrtp session information structure

libzrtp, since v0.80 takes data incapsulating approach and hides all private date inside zrtp_session_t structure. Developers shouldn't access them directly. zrtp_session_get() should be used instead to fill zrtp_session_info_t structure. zrtp_session_info_t contains all needed information in safe and easy to use form

zrtp_shared_secret_tShared secret structure

This structure stores ZRTP shared secret values used in the protocol

zrtp_stream_info_tZrtp stream information structure

libzrtp, since v0.80 takes data incapsulating approach and hides all private date inside zrtp_stream_t structure. Developers shouldn't access them directly. zrtp_stream_get() should be used instead to fill zrtp_stream_info_t structure. zrtp_stream_info_t contains all needed information in safe and easy to use form

Generated on Wed Dec 9 17:31:06 2009 for libzrtp  zfone